Název novinky: CENDURO :: pneu na TA v Turkmenistánu, dotaz na E07

Přidal blejdamint dne 24-04-2015 10:31

HOj dnes se mi ozval majitel

cela konverzace zde:

hi Sergei, i hope all is well with you and your family, back in Bishkek!?
I wanted to introduce you to Tom (copied here). I believe one of his friends is in Samarkand and needs tyres..... Tom maybe you can talk to Sergei? They have a moto club house in Bishkek and Sergei may help provide parts.... Although not sure he can send to Samarkand.....

Hi Maria! Glad to hear from you!
Yeah, we can get tyres in Bishkek, but I need to know the exact size, also I will find out if we can send it to Samarkand
Happy to help you,

Hi Sergei, our friend goes this way http://www.koprivnicti-motorkari.xf.cz/ Honda TA 600, through Horizon unlimited him looking for help, one of the rear tires 120 / 90-17, even cruising emotion to the Czech Republic. Tomcat
Kopřivničtí motorkáři
Konec chatu

Maria tam jela s manzelem min rok, je to kontakt na majitele, jmeno Sergei, hned jak mi napise, doufom, ze dostanu kontakt obratem dam ti to sem. pneu dle jeho reci neni problem. Bahnu zdar